Cam Lancaster
Founder & Head of Instruction
Scott Cowx Head of Junior Development - Copetown Woods, Ancaster, ON
TrackMan Instructor - Golfers Academy, Burlington,ON
Scott Cowx Worldwide 5.0
Scott Cowx Worldwide Advanced
Holistic Life Coach - Level 1
Playing Experience:
12 years High Level Amateur - Golf Ontario, Golf Canada, USGA
My focus within the game is to help our students excel at fitness, nutrition, and swing biomechanics. I create roadmaps to help players systematically achieve their goals.

Chris Lancaster
Head of Online Learning
TrackMan Instructor - Golfers Academy
Scott Cowx Worldwide 6.0
Playing Experience:
Eastern MIchigan NCAA D1
The main disciplines that I focus on in the game are to help our students excel in short game, putting, mental game, and golf course strategy. I am tasked with running our worldwide online learning academy. As well, I have extensive training in Aimpoint green reading.

Mike Lancaster
Head of High Performance
Online Performance Coach
Scott Cowx Worldwide 6.0
Playing Experience:
University of Miami of Ohio NCAA D1
Toledo University NCAA D1
Team Captain - Toledo
Tournament Champion - Rocket Classic
2012 Golf Ontario Men's Matchplay Champion
My central focus that I help our students with is fitness, nutrition, swing biomechanics, and mental game. I am tasked with ensuring our High Performance Team is exceling and achieving their goals of reaching the NCAA and turning professional.